David Edmondson
David Edmondson grew up in small town Texas. He worked in Dental Technology in Beverly Hills where he helped to create many celebrity smiles. He later pursued his dream of becoming a Flight Attendant and was hired by Northwest Airlines. Now retired, he has authored several books of fiction and has a lifelong passion for esoteric issues. He has flown thousands of miles worldwide and continues to travel to new destinations, and places he loves. He is a long-time resident of Palm Springs California.
Fasten Your Seat Belts Confessions of a Sky Guy
Fasten Your Seat Belts unpacks the truth behind the image of the Flight Attendant persona. This is a look into the exotic locals, luxury hotels, faces, places and celebrities. Confessions of a Sky Guy gives a frank and honest glimpse of the sometimes-challenging crew members, layovers, aircraft, and service standards. From Caviar Molds to Pretzels Flight Attendants were required to do more with less. It was necessary to be a sometimes nurse, babysitter, bartender, psychologist, diplomat, or security officer. This is a story which tells what it takes to be all things to all people at 35,000 feet, to hope you have made a small difference in someone's life, to find that balance between a plane life, and a plain life. That trip which begins at the boarding door requires so much more before the Flight Attendant reaches the aircraft. From Beijing to Amsterdam, Seoul to Mumbai, there for your safety, I earned my wings. This is my truth, my story.
I watched with a heavy heart from the aircraft window and the tarmac below. A military salute was being given as the casket of a dead warrior was lifted from the cargo hold of the aircraft. I tried to tell myself, “This is part of the job,” but certainly, it was a part that never got any easier.
Behind those wings, behind the smiles, I felt there was a story to tell.
As a flight attendant in a changing world, this is my story, my truth. So, fasten your seat belts, this one is for you.